
Browse our projects

An in-MobilIty traiNing and guiDance initiative for self and vocaTional empowerment of tHe most fragile neEt, enabling successful inteGration into sociAl and Professional life (ESF-SI-2022-ALMA-01-0016)
Improving the competencies of young people in Lithuania, Portugal and Sweden (ESF-SI-2022-ALMA-01-0033)
JobDirect for NEETs within ALMA initiative! (ESF-SI-2022-ALMA-01-0017)
ALMAlta (ESF-SI-2022-ALMA-01-0006)
Network, NEETs and Work (ESF-SI-2022-ALMA-01-0007)
Piloting ALMA in Slovakia (ESF-SI-2022-ALMA-01-0014)
Power UP (ESF-SI-2022-ALMA-01-0011)
New possibilities for NEETs (ESF-SI-2022-ALMA-01-0018)
NEETs Need Our Help (ESF-SI-2022-ALMA-01-0020)
Reintegrating the NEETs through mobility (ESF-SI-2022-ALMA-01-0021)
Youth mobility Empowering Skills (ESF-SI-2022-ALMA-01-0023)
Implementing ALMA in Madrid (ESF-SI-2022-ALMA-01-0027)
Out of NEET, into the world: training in Europe for MORE social and professional perspectives for NEETs (ESF-SI-2022-ALMA-01-0028)
Improving the competencies of young people in Lithuania and Spain (ESF-SI-2022-ALMA-01-0029)
Proyecto ALMA Andalucía (España) (ESF-SI-2022-ALMA-01-0031)
Supporting TRaineeship Opportunities for NEETs to Grow (ESF-SI-2022-ALMA-01-0032)
Mobility against youth unemployment in Sicily (ESF-SI-2022-ALMA-01-0036)
From One (1) European Country to Another European Country (ESF-SI-2022-ALMA-01-0037)
Leaders of the Future: from NEETs to Real Changemakers (ESF-SI-2022-ALMA-01-0008)
New Horizons (ESF-SI-2022-ALMA-01-0013)
Fostering Integral NEETs Development (ESF-SI-2022-ALMA-01-0015)
Creating employment opportunities for youth (ESF-SI-2022-ALMA-01-0019)
The Youth Activation Agency INCORPORATES European mobility (ESF-SI-2022-ALMA-01-0022)
ALMA in Portugal: “Experience outside, change inside” (ESF-SI-2022-ALMA-01-0026)
Move On with ALMA (ESF-SI-2022-ALMA-01-0004)
Social Innovation plus – National Competence Centres (ESF-SI-2023-NCC-01-0002)
SEEDing competences TO SCALE up social innovation ecosystems (ESF-SI-2023-NCC-01-0003)
European Social Innovation Alliance (ESF-SI-2023-NCC-01-0004)
International Network for Social Innovation Scaling and Systemic Transformation (ESF-SI-2023-NCC-01-0005)
Boosting Initiatives & Resources to Develop Social Innovation (ESF-SI-2023-NCC-01-0001)
NEW2CHANGE (ESF-SI-2022-ALMA-01-0038)
Step into Better Projects (ESF-SI-2022-ALMA-01-0010)
Piloting ALMA in Poland (ESF-SI-2022-ALMA-01-0024)
International Career Accelerator PL (ESF-SI-2022-ALMA-01-0030)