Faz-Te Forward

Faz-Te Forward (FFWD) focuses on tackling youth unemployment, through supporting vulnerable young people, particularly those Not in Employment, Education or Training (NEET), to find their own, meaningful and sustainable pathway into work and education and to promote their social inclusion. The core concept of FFWD is the development of transversal skills, which won’t become obsolete and will serve the participants’ through the rest of their careers.
The project materialises the expansion of a tried and tested innovative approach – Faz-Te Forward programme led by TESE in Lisbon and Porto regions of Portugal in 2011-2020, that supported 300 young people, with 97% reporting improving their employability and 68% securing employment. The approach used a mix of methodologies (non-formal learning group sessions, as well as individual coaching and mentoring) to meet each participant’s needs. The original approach is complemented in this FFWD project with intensive support, work experience, and skills validation.
FFWD aims to work with 100 young people (50 in Portugal and 50 in Spain). Key outcomes expected include 75% of participants report developing transversal skills; 50% enter employment, education or training; and 75% feel more socially included. The initiative will be implemented by a partnership of 3 civil society organisations (TESE from Portugal, Fundación Ronsel from Spain and Föreningen Furuboda from Sweden) and a public body (IEFP, the Portuguese national employment and training agency) as a potential co-funder for the future. It includes the design and preliminary implementation of scale-up strategies for the 3 countries involved, with a view to, post-project, integrate the approach into national public policy in Portugal; roll it out in the region of Galicia in Spain; and adjust and test the methodology to support young people with disabilities in Sweden. The project will test the versatility of the approach and its potential for EU-wide replication.
Expected results:
- 100 young people participated in the skills development program, with 75% of participants reporting improved transversal skills for employability, including self-knowledge, self-confidence, and the ability to set personal and professional goals;
- 75% of participants feel more prepared to enter employment, education or training;
- 90% of participants increase their professional network;
- 50% of participants enter employment, education or training; and 75% feel more socially included.
Funding: 604,951.00 Eur