
Reintegrating the NEETs through mobility

We NEET EU is one of the 29 projects supported under the Call on preparation and implementation of the ALMA (Aim-Learn-Master-Achieve) initiative, to promote the social empowerment of disadvantaged young people, launched under the Social Innovation+ Initiative.

The call contributes to:

  • Integration of disadvantaged young people aged 18 to 29 who are not in education, employment, or training (NEETs) into society and finding their way into the job market by combining support for education, vocational training, or employment in their home country with a work-related learning experience in another EU country.
  • Improvement of the skills, knowledge, and experience of NEETs and boosting of their self-confidence.
  • Creation of partnerships and close cooperation between sending and receiving organisations, including public and private employment services, social services, training providers, youth organisations and others involved in selecting participants.
  • Possibility of participating organisations to draw lessons learned from the pilot project and to apply them successfully on a larger scale.

The We NEET EU project has brought together three European countries: Italy, Portugal, and Spain. Encompassing non-profit entities, associations, research centres, SME, and public bodies, the diversity of the partners profiles promise a rich tapestry of perspectives, enhancing both the content and the working methodology of the project.

During 18 months (October 2023-April 2025) beneficiary with national and transnational partners engage in the Start-up and Implementation phases’ activities on:

  • Building up partnerships and defining roles, responsibilities, and duties of actors within Italy in the project, looking for suitable suppliers of training, coaching, or mentoring.
  • Building transnational partnerships with relevant actors in receiving Member State(-s) (identifying needs and expectations, finding, and contacting potential Partners, arranging initial meetings with them, establishing transnational relationship, preparing specific mobility plans).
  • Organising the selection of 24 NEETs and their tailor-made preparation for mobility phase.
  • Implementing the work-related learning experience of 3 groups of 8-12 young people for 2-4 months in an organisation abroad.
  • Following-up with the young people after their stay abroad, including counselling, professional guidance, etc.
  • Preparing the Final Report ‘Lessons learned and future plans’ (including analysis of the results and impact of the project, lessons learned, recommendations, and future plans).
  • Disseminating information on experience and the best practices.

Expected deliverables:

  • Signed Memorandum(s) of Understanding (Partnership Agreement(s)) between the Beneficiary and the national Partner(s).
  • Signed Memorandum(s) of Understanding (Partnership Agreement(s)) between the Beneficiary and the lead Partner organisation from the receiving country (transnational Partner).
  • Final Report ‘Lessons learned and future plans’, including analysis of the results and impact of the project, lessons learned, recommendations, and future plans.
  • Implemented project dissemination measures and (or) activities.

Funding: 304,505.53 Eur

Find out more about the project on the project website.